
Connecting with our audience, potential collaborators as well as partners is at the core of VCast Online’s mission

Want to partner as a sponsor?

If you want to be associated with our content in any way, we have options for you. Email us at

Want to send a letter to the editorial desk or report an error?

Email us at with the subject of your query. We try hard not to make mistakes, as fact-checking is the cornerstone of our editorial process. But there are times when we will. If you spot an error, please be kind on social media and directly write to us. We will investigate and publish corrections immediately.

Got an idea that deserves coverage?

Content recommendations and tips from our community and audience is central to VCast Online's mission. Submit details here, and please do not include press releases or unsolicited material.

Want to send us a press release?

We recognise how important it is for companies to communicate with their audiences. At VCast Online we vet and curate press releases in accordance with our editorial guidelines. Send us details at

Want to contribute as a content creator?

Our well-wishers and contributors are vital to us. If you wish to be contacted for projects, write to us at

Want us to consider your photos or video footage for publication in VCast Online?

We value the talent and hard work of photographers and videographers and invite them to send us material suited to our coverage. Email our associate producer, with the subject “I want to contribute to VCast”.

Want to apply to be an intern at VCast Online?

We are currently not running any internship program. If you'd like to share your profile for future consideration, please fill up this form.

Interested in attending our meetups?

Staying true to our mission to connect and collaborate, we will be hosting meetups to get like-minded people from the startup and business community together. Fill out this form if you want to be considered for the event. Follow our Facebook page to stay updated on events and other important announcements.
